Are You Sleeping Enough? Tips for Improving Your Sleep Hygiene and Boosting Health
Try to incorporate a new sleep routine into your lifestyle in order to improve your personal sleep hygiene.
Are you sleeping enough?
If you are getting less than 7 hours of sleep per night, it is probably not enough. The National Sleep Foundation recommends anywhere from 7 – 9 hours of sleep per night, but it depends on the age of the individual.
Why we need the right amount of sleep?
According to scientific research, it is clear that sleeping is important at any age. Getting enough of it essentially strengthens every system in the body both physically and mentally. Good sleep hygiene can reap some serious benefits, the right amount depends largely on your age, activity level, and overall health,
What are the benefits of sleep?
Increased Productivity
Improvement in Athletic Performance
Lowers Risk of Heart Disease
Better Mood
It makes sense for everyone to get enough sleep just based on the benefits. Here are a few tips on how to improve your sleep habits.
How to improve your sleep hygiene?
Set a Consistent Bedtime Schedule
Get a New Mattress
Change the Temperature in Your Room
Meditate Before Bedtime
Limit Caffeine Consumption
Disconnect from Social Media at a Set Time
These are just a few helpful tips to help improve your sleep hygiene, and like anything else, it takes practice and consistency to develop healthy sleeping habits.